Democratic Republic of the Congo - флаг

Likundu Premiere

прогноз погоды для Likundu Première
Likundu Première, населенный пункт

ближайшие аэропорты

Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagYangambi Airport ~ 112.98 км
Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagIkela Airport ~ 130.47 км
Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagBangoka International Airport ~ 149.58 км
Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagPunia Airport ~ 276.37 км
Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagBumbar Airport ~ 324.04 км
Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagButa Zega Airport ~ 341.47 км
Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagKindu Airport ~ 360.12 км
Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagBoende Airport ~ 365.82 км
Democratic Republic of the Congo - flagLodja Airport ~ 369.21 км

Likundu Premiere - карта

координаты центра карты: масштаб:

2023 - 2024