Falkland Islands - флаг

Falkland Islands

Adventure Harbour
Adventure Sound
Aiguade Cove
Ajax Bay
Albemarle Harbour
Albemarle Rock
Albemarle Sealing Station
Anchor Inlet
Anchor Island
Annie Island
Anthony Creek
Anxious Passage
Arch Islands
Arch Road
Archer Cove
Armantine Beach
Armantine Rocks
Arrow Harbour
Arrow Islands
Arrow Point
Bald Island
Bald Road
Barclay Island
Barren Island
Barren Reefs
Barrow Harbour
Barthe Creek
Bay of Harbours
Bay Point
Beach Point
Beacon Point
Beatrice Cove
Beauchene Island
Beaver Bay
Beaver Harbour
Beaver Hill
Beaver Island
Beaver Settlement
Becher Islands
Beef Island
Bense Harbour
Bense Islands
Berkeley Sound
Big Shag Island
Billy Rock
Bird Island
Black Point
Black Point
Black Point
Black Point
Black Rincon
Black Rock
Black Rock
Black Rock
Black Rock Brook
Black Rock Valley
Black Rocks
Blackburn River
Blanco Bay
Bleaker Island
Bleaker Jump
Blind Island
Bluff Cove
Bluff Cove Settlement
Bluff Creek
Bluff Head
Bluff Island
Bluff Point
Boat Point
Boat Rock
Bobs Island
Bodie Inlet
Bodie Peak
Bold Hill
Bold Point
Bold Point
Bold Point
Bold Point
Bold Point
Bold Point
Bold Rocks
Bombilia Hill
Bombilia House
Bonners Bay
Bougainville Creek
Boulder Point
Boulder Point Hill
Box Island
Boxwood Point
Brenton Loch
Brett Harbour
Brett Hill
Broken Island
Brown Harbour
Brown Point
Bull Cove
Bull Hill
Bull Islet
Bull Point
Bull Point
Bull Point
Bull River
Bull Roads
Burnside House
Burnt Harbour
Burnt Island
Burnt Island
Burnt Island
Burnt Point
Butlers Hill
Button Bay
Button Island
Button Islet
Byron Heights
Byron Sound
Calf Creek
Calista Island
Calm Head
Camber Depot (historical)
Camilla Creek
Camp Verde
Campa Menta Bay
Campa Menta Beach
Campa Menta Brook
Canard Cove
Cannon Rock
Canopus Hill
Cantera House
Cape Bougainville
Cape Carysfort
Cape Dolphin
Cape Frehel
Cape Meredith
Cape Orford
Cape Pembroke
Cape Pembroke Light
Cape Percival
Cape Split
Cape Tamar
Cape Terrible
Carancho Bluff
Carcass Bay
Carcass Bay Hill
Carcass Island
Carcass Island Settlement
Carcass Reef
Careening Cove
Carew Harbour
Carruther Point
Castle Hill
Castle Rock
Castle Rock
Cat Cove
Cat Islet
Cattle Point
Cattle Point
Celery Island
Centre Island
Centre Island
Cerro Montevideo
Chabot Creek
Chabot Point
Chaffers Gullet
Chancho Point
Channel Hill
Channel Islands
Channel Point
Channel Rock
Chapel Rock
Charles Point
Chartres River
Chatham Harbour
Chatham Hill
Choiseul Sound
Christina Bay
Christmas Harbour
Circum Island
Clam-Bed Point
Cliff Island
Cliff Island
Cliff Knob Island
Cliff Mountain
Cliff Peak
Cliff Point
Cliff Point
Clump Island
Clump Islands
Clump Islet
Cochon Island
Coffin Island
Committee Bay
Concordia Rock
Cooke Hill
Corner Pass
Corral Brazo
Cortley Hill
Cove Hill
Cove Peak
Cow Bay
Cow Bay Ridge
Cow Point
Cow Point
Creek Point
Crooked Inlet
Cross Island
Cutter Cove
Cygnet Harbour
Danson Harbour
Darwin Harbour
Darwin Narrows
Death's Head Ridge
Deaths Head
Deep Channel
Deep Valley
Devil's Nose
Diamond Cove
Diamond Mountain
Dick Point
Direction Islet
Doctor Point
Doctors Head
Dog Hill
Dog Point
Don Carlos Bay
Dos Lomas
Double Creek
Double Creek East Arm
Double Creek Islands
Double Creek West Arm
Double Island
Double Peak
Double Rocks
Douglas Settlement
Doyle Ridge
Doyle River
Driftwood Point
Drunken Rock
Drunken Rock Pass
Dry Island
Duclos Point
Dunbar Creek
Dunbar Island
Dunnose Head
Dunnose Head Settlement
Duperrey Harbour
Dutchmans Brook
Dutchmans Island
Dutchmans Pond
Dyke Island
Dyke Island Pass
Dyke Point
Eagle Hill
Eagle Passage
Eagle Point
Eagle Rock
Eagle Rocks
Ear Island
East Arm Hill
East Bay
East Branch
East Cove
East Falkland
East Head
East Island
East Island
East Passage
East Point
East Point
East Road
East Rocks
Eddystone Rock
Edgar Ridge
Edye Creek
Egg Harbour
Egmont Hill
Elephant Bay
Elephant Bay
Elephant Beach
Elephant Cays
Elephant Cove
Elephant Island
Elephant Jason
Elephant Point
Elephant Point
Eliza Cove
Enderby Point
Engineer Point
Entrance Cove
Entrance Hill
Estancia House
Fairy Cove
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
Falkland Sound
Fall Point
False Creek
False Passage
Fanning Harbour
Fanning Head
Fanning Island
Fanny Islets
Fanny Road
Fegen Inlet
Felton Stream
Fern Valley Creek
Findlay Creek
Findlay Harbour
Findlay Rocks
First Island
Fish Creek
Fish Creek
Fish Creek
Fish Creek
Fish Creek
Fish Creek Hill
Fish River
Fish Rock
Fitz Cove
Fitzroy Basin
Fitzroy Creek
Fitzroy North
Fitzroy River
Fitzroy Settlement
Flat Islet
Flat Jason
Flores Harbour
Flores Harbour Island
Foam Creek House
Foot Point
Forrest Gap
Foul Bay
Fourth Island
Fox Bay
Fox Bay East Settlement
Fox Bay Mount
Fox Bay West Settlement
Fox Harbour
Fox Island
Fox Island
Fox Point
French Harbour
French Peaks
Friend Passage
Fripp Rock
Furze Bush Pass
Garden Point
Garnier Point
Gascoigne Point
George Island
Gibraltar Reef
Gibraltar Rock
Gid's Island
Gipsy Cove
Glen Point
Goat Hill
Goat Point
Goat Ridge
Golding Bay
Golding Island
Goldsworthy Rock
Goodwin Reef
Goose Green
Goose Green Settlement70
Gorgon Peak
Gosling Creek
Government Islet
Governor Channel
Governor Island
Grand Cliff
Grand Jason
Grantham Sound
Grave Cove
Grave Point
Great Island
Great Island
Green Island
Green Island
Green Island
Green Island
Green Island
Green Patch
Green Patch Settlement
Green Point
Green Point
Grey Channel
Gull Harbour
Gull Hill
Gull Island
Gull Island
Gull Island
Gull Point
Gull Point
Gull Point
Gun Hill
Hadassa Bay
Half Tide Island
Halfway Cove
Halfway Cove
Halt Island
Hamblin Cove
Hamond Cove
Harbour Islands
Harbour Islands
Hare Island
Hawk Hill
Head of the Bay Creek
Hearnden Water
Hecate Passage
Hells Kitchen
High Bluff
High Cliff Island
High Island
High Rock
Hill Cove
Hill Cove
Hill Gap
Hill Gap Island
Hill Island
Hog Island
Hookers Point
Hope Cottage
Hope Harbour
Hope Point
Hope Reef
Hornby Mountains
Horse Block
Horse Point
Horseshoe Bay
Horseshoe Bay
Horseshoe Bay House
Horseshoe Hill
Hospital Point
Hoste Inlet
Hotham Heights
House Cove
Hummock Island
Hummock Point
Hunt Rock
Hut Point
Hutchison Shoal
Indian Mountain
Inlet Hill
Inlet Point
Inner Pass
Island Creek
Island Harbour
Island Harbour
Island Rock
Islet Cove
Islet Point
Isthmus Cove
Jack's Point
Jamesons Stream
Jason East Cay
Jason Islands
Jason West Cay
Jenesta Point
Jersey Harbour
Jersey Point
John Point
Johnson Harbour
Johnson Harbour Settlement
Justice Inlet
Kelly Rocks
Kelp Bay
Kelp Creek
Kelp Harbour
Kelp Island
Kelp Islands
Kelp Islet
Kelp Lagoon
Kelp Point
Kelp Point
Keppel Island
Keppel Islet
Keppel Settlement
Keppel Sound
Kidney Cove
Kidney Island
Kidney Islands
King George Bay
Kits Creek
Knob Islet
Knob Point
Knob Point
Knoll Island
Lake Hammond
Lake Point
Lake Sulivan
Lamarche Point
Lancaster Point
Landsend Bluff
Large Island
Lawson Bank
Lebon Creek
Leicester Creek
Lerat Point
Letterbox Point
Letterbox Point
Lindblad Reef
Lion Point
Lion Point
Lion Point
Lion Point
Little Bense
Little Chartres
Little East Island
Little Harbour Island
Little Island
Little Mollyhawk
Little Rincon
Little Shag Island
Lively Island
Lively Settlement
Lively Sound
Loch Head House
Loch Head Pond
Long Island
Long Island Mountain
Long Island Ridge
Long Island Sand Beach
Lookout Rocks
Loop Head
Loop Ridge
Lorenzo Lagoon
Louis Pass
Low Bay
Low Island
Low Island
Low Point
Low Point
Low Point
Lower Pass
Lucas Bay
Lucas Point
Lucas Reef
Macbride Head
Mackinnon Creek
Magellan Cove
Magellan Point
Maggie Elliot Rock
Main Passage
Main Point
Malo Creek
Many-branch Harbour
Marble Mount
Mare Harbour
Mare Harbour Rancho
Margaret Hill
Mark Point
Marville Bay
Mary Hill
McGill Shoals
Mengeary Point
Meredith Hill
Mid Island
Mid Rancho
Mid Rock
Middle Bay
Middle Creek
Middle Island
Middle Island
Middle Island
Middle Peak
Middle Point
Middle Shoal
Mile Pond
Miles Creek
Moffit Bay
Moffitt Harbour
Monkey Point
Monty Dean's Creek
Moody Brook
Moody Valley
Motley Island
Mound Point
Mound Point
Mount Adam
Mount Ararat
Mount Beaufort
Mount Brisbane
Mount Brown
Mount Challenger
Mount Chartres
Mount Dean
Mount Doyle
Mount Edgeworth
Mount Emery
Mount Fegen
Mount Harriet
Mount Harston
Mount Kent
Mount Keppel
Mount Longdon
Mount Low
Mount Maria
Mount Misery
Mount Moody
Mount Philomel
Mount Pickthorne
Mount Pleasant
Mount Pleasant
Mount Pleasant Airport
Mount Purvis
Mount Rees
Mount Richards
Mount Robinson
Mount Rosalie
Mount Round
Mount Simon
Mount Sulivan
Mount Usborne
Mount Vernet
Mount Weddell
Mount Wickham
Mount William
Mount Young
Muddy Creek
Muddy Pond
Mullet Creek
Mullet Creek Stream
Murray Heights
Murrel Bridge
Murrell River
Mushroom Point
Mylor Point
Napier Rock
Narrow Creek
Narrow Island
Narrow Point
Narrows Hill
Natural Arch
Navy Point
Needles Rocks
New Haven
New Island
New Island Settlement
New Year Cove
Newings Reef
Nipple Hill
Noola Point
North Arm
North Arm
North Arm Settlement
North Basin
North Beach
North Bluff
North Creek
North East Creek
North East Island
North East Reef
North Falkland Sound
North Fur Island
North Harbour
North Head
North Island
North Lookout
North Point
North Point
North Point Island
North Swan Island
North West Arm
North West Arm
North West Bay
North West Islands
North West Passage
North West Point
Northern Valley
Northwest Bay
Norton Inlet
Oberon Patch
Old House Creek
Ordnance Point
Orford Hill
Outer Island
Owen Roads
Paloma Pond
Paloma Sand Beach
Passage Island
Passage Islands
Pea Point
Peak Point
Peat Bog Point
Peat Bog Ridge
Peat Cove
Peat Islet
Pebble Cove
Pebble Island
Pebble Island Settlement
Pebble Islet
Pebble Sound
Pebbly Pond
Penarrow Point
Penarrow Point
Penguin Cove
Penguin Island
Penguin Point
Penguin Point
Penguin Point
Penn Island
Philips Point
Phillimore Island
Phillips Bay
Phillips Point
Philomel Pass
Philomel Road
Pickthorne Point
Piedra Sola
Pillar Bluff
Pillar Cove
Pilot River
Pitt Creek
Pitt Heights
Platt Point
Platt Point Rincon
Pleasant Island
Pleasant Lagoon
Pleasant Point
Pleasant Road
Point Frances
Point Frio
Poke Point
Poker Point
Polinki Pond
Pond Bay
Pond Point
Pond Valley
Pond Valley
Ponys Pass
Porpoise Island
Porpoise Point
Port Albemarle
Port Edgar
Port Edgar Settlement
Port Egmont
Port Egmont Cays
Port Egmont Settlement
Port Fitzroy
Port Harriet
Port Howard41
Port Howard
Port King
Port Louis
Port Louis Harbour
Port Louis Settlement
Port Louis South
Port North
Port Pattison
Port Philomel
Port Pleasant
Port Purvis
Port Richards
Port Salvador
Port San Carlos
Port San Carlos Settlement
Port Stanley Airport
Port Stephens
Port Stephens Settlement
Port Sussex
Port William
Precipice Hill
Princes Street
Prong Point
Purvis Narrows
Pyramid Cove
Pyramid Point
Quaker Harbour
Quaker Island
Quaker Passage
Queen Charlotte Bay
Queen Point
Rabbit Cove
Rabbit Cove
Rabbit Hill
Rabbit Island
Rabbit Island
Rabbit Island
Rabbit Island Rocks
Rabbit Point
Rabbit Point
Rabbit Rincon
Rabbit Rocks
Race Point
Race Point
Race Rocks
Rain Cove
Rame Head
Rapid Point
Rat Island
Red Hill Point
Red Point
Reef Channel
Reef Harbour
Reef Island
Reef Point
Reef Point
Rees Harbour
Rincon de los Indios
Rincon de los Tres Picos
Rincon de Saino
Rincon del Moro
Rincon del Picaso
Rincon Grande
Rincon Grande Settlement
River Harbour
River Hill
River Island
River Pedro
River Warrah
Robinson Point
Rock Harbour
Rock Point
Rock Point
Rocky Inlet
Rocky Ridge Hill
Rodeo Pond
Rodney Bluff
Rodney Cove
Ronda House
Rookery Bay
Rookery Hill
Rookery Island
Rookery Mount
Rookery Ponds
Rookery Valley
Ropewalk Point
Round Island
Round Island
Round Islands
Round Point
Round Pond
Rous Creek
Roy Cove
Roy Cove Settlement
Rugged Hill
Ruggles Bay
Ruggles Island
Ruggles Pass
Saddle Island
Sail Rock
Sal Point
Salt Lagoon
Salvador Hill
Salvador Settlement
Samuel Islands
San Carlos River
San Carlos Settlement
San Carlos Water
Sand Bay
Sand Fountain
Sand Hill Point
Sandbar Island
Sandy Bay Island
Sandy Cove
Sandy Island
Sapper Hill
Saturday Point
Saunders Island
Saunders Island Settlement
Scott Island
Sea Dog Island
Sea Lion Island
Sea Lion Island
Sea Lion Islands
Sea Lion Point
Sea Lion Rocks
Seal Bay House
Seal Cove
Seal Island
Seal Island
Seal Island
Seal Point
Seal Point
Seal Rocks
Seal Rocks
Seal Rocks
Seal Rookery Creek
Sealer Cove
Sealer Cove
Seaview Creek
Seaview Point
Seccomb Islands
Second Flat Islet
Second Island
Sedge Island
Semaphore Point
Settlement Creek
Settlement Rocks
Settlement Spit
Shag Harbour
Shag Point
Shag Rock
Shag Rocks
Shallop Point
Shallow Bay
Shallow Bay
Shallow Bluff
Shallow Cove
Shallow Harbour
Shallow Harbour
Shanty Ridge
Shanty Stream
Sharp Peak
Sheila's Creek
Shell Bay
Shell Island
Shell Point
Shepherds Brook
Shingly Pond
Ship Harbour
Ship Harbour
Ship Point
Signboard Hill
Sixtus Rock
Skip Rock
Skull Bay
Sloop Rock
Smoko Mountain
Smylie Channel
Smylie Creek
Smylie Rock
Snug Cove
Sollis Rock
Sound Point
South East Point
South Fur Island
South Harbour
South Harbour
South Head
South Hill
South Jason
South West Point
Sparrow Cove
Sparrow Point
Speedwell Island
Speedwell Island Settlement
Speedwell Pass
Split Island
Split Island
Spring Point
Spring Point Hill
Spring Point Settlement
Squib Point
Staats Bluff
Staats Island
Stag Road
Standing Man Hill
Standing Man Hill
Stanhope Hill
Stanley Harbour
Starfish Creek
States Cove
Steep Point
Steeple Jason
Stephens Bluff
Stephens Peak
Stevelly Bay
Stevelly Hill
Stickout Bluff
Stinker Island
Stinker Point
Stone Hill
Stop Islet
Storm Mount
Strawberry Hill
Strike Off Point
Strike Off Point
Strong Tide Point
Sturgess Point
Sugar Loaf
Sulivan Harbour
Sunk Rock
Surf Bay
Swan Inlet
Swan Island
Swan Passage
Swan Point
Swan Pond
Swan Pond
Symonds Harbour
Table Cove
Table Point
Tamar Harbour
Tamar Pass
Tank Point
Tea Bluff
Tea Island
Tea Island Passage
Tea Point
Teal Creek
Teal Inlet
Teal Inlet Settlement
Teal River
Ten Shilling Bay Islands
Tern Hill
Tern Point
The Big Mollyhawk
The Bluff
The Canache
The Careenage
The Colliers
The Fridays
The Gammon Channel
The Lagoon
The Moro
The Narrows
The Saddleback
The Six Hills
The Twins
The Viper
The Woolly Gut
Third Island
Three Crowns
Tickle Pass
Tide Point
Tide Rock
Town Point
Triste Islands
Tumbledown Mountain
Turkey Island
Turn Islet
Turn Point
Turners Stream
Tussac Island
Tussac Island
Tussac Island
Tussac Island
Tussac Islands
Tussac Islet
Tussac Point
Tussac Point
Tussac Rock
Tussac Rocks
Twelve o'Clock Hill
Twelve o'Clock Mountain
Two Sisters
Tyssen Islands
Tyssen Patch
Uranie Bay
Uranie Rock
Useless Bay
Valley Hill
Victoria Harbour
Volunteer Beach
Volunteer Lagoon
Volunteer Point
Volunteer Rocks
Volunteer Shanty
Walker Creek
Walker Creek
Walker Creek Settlement
Wall Mountain
Watering Cove
Watt Cove
Weddell Island
Weddell Point
Weddell Settlement
Wedge Island
Wedge Islet
Weir Creek
West Arm
West Bluff
West Cliffs
West Cove
West Cove
West End Hill
West Falkland
West Head
West Hill
West Island
West Island
West Passage
West Point
West Point
West Swan Island
Westpoint Cove
Westpoint Island
Westpoint Island Settlement
Westpoint Pass
Whale Islet
Whale Passage
Whale Point
Whalebone Cove
Whaler Bay
Wharton Harbour
Whig Islands
White Bluff
White Cliff Point
White Island
White Point
White Point
White Point
White Rincon
White Rock
White Rock
White Rock Bay
White Rock Point
Whitsand Bay
Wickham Heights
Wine Bay
Wine Bluff
Wireless Ridge
Wolf Rock
Wolfe Island
Wood Cove
Wood Shoal
Woolly Gut Point
Wreck Island
Wreck Point
Yellow Point
Yorke Bay
Yorke Point
Young Rock

Falkland Islands, аэропорты

Falkland Islands - карта

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