United States - флаг

Sumter County

прогноз погоды для Sumter County
политико-административное деление второго порядка
население: 13763
Adams Creek
Alamuchee Creek
Alamuchee Hill
Alamuchee Hunting Club
Allie McElroy School (historical)
Allison Derby Dam
Allison Derby Lake
American Can Company Dam
American Can Company Lake
Antioch Church
Archie Institute School (historical)
Armstrong Hill
Arrington (historical)
Arrington Cemetery
Atanchiluka Creek
Baggers Ferry (historical)
Baldwin Hill
Ballard Creek
Barebone Creek
Barnes Bend
Barnes Gin (historical)
Barns Lake
Barns Pond
Bear Creek
Beaver Creek
Bell Cemetery
Bell Lake
Bell Station (historical)
Bellamy Church
Bellamy Post Office
Bellamy Volunteer Fire Department
Belmont Church
Belmont Church
Belmont High School (historical)
Belmont Hunting Club
Belmont Public Use Area
Belmont Volunteer Fire Department
Benny Branch
Bethel (historical)
Bethel Church
Bethel Church
Bethel Church
Bethel Hill School (historical)
Bethel School (historical)
Beulah Baptist Church
Beulah Cemetery
Bibb Graves Hall
Big Foot Hunting Club
Big Rack Club
Big Slough
Black Belt Community Health Center
Black Bluff
Black Bluff Cemetery
Black Bluff Church
Black Bluff Landing (historical)
Blind Shoals
Blue Lake
Bluff Port Ferry (historical)
Bodka (historical)
Bodka Creek
Bogan Branch
Boligee Bar
Boligee Lower Bar
Boney Cemetery
Boone Branch
Bottom Creek
Boyd Cemetery
Boyd Volunteer Fire Department
Brasfield Landing
Brewersville Cemetery
Brewersville Church
Brock Hall
Brockway Creek
Brown Brick Creek
Brown Cemetery
Brown Cemetery
Brown Chapel
Browns Chapel (historical)
Brunson Church
Brunson Volunteer Fire Department
Buchanan Dam
Buchannon Lake
Buck Creek
Buckhorn Camp (historical)
Bucks Chapel Elementary School (historical)
Bucks Chapel Methodist Church
Buzzard Roost Bluff
C E Boyd Dam
C E Boyd Dam
C E Boyd Lake
C E Boyd Pond
Cagus Cemetery
Campbell Cemetery
Campbells Lake
Cane Creek
Cane Creek
Caney Creek
Caney Slough
Carolyn Dam
Cedar Creek
Cedar Creek
Cedar Grove Baptist Church (historical)
Central Cemetery
Chambers Bar
Chapel Branch
Chesnut Grove
Chestnut Grove Methodist Church
Chilies Mill (historical)
China Bluff
China Bluff Access Area
Christian Valley Baptist Church
Christian Valley Baptist Church
Church of Christ
Clanton Landing (historical)
Clays Bar
Coatopa Church
Coatopa Creek
Coatopa Post Office
Cobbs Crossing (historical)
Cockerell Branch
Coffin Shop (historical)
Cokes Chapel (historical)
Cokes Chapel Cemetery
Cokes Chapel Methodist Church
Col. Green G. Mobley House (historical)
Cold Springs Bar
Colgin Hill (historical)
Colgins Island (historical)
Cotahaga Landing (historical)
Cotohaga Creek
Crooms Bar
Crooms Lower Landing
Crooms Upper Landing
Cuba Elementary School
Cuba Head Start School
Cuba Post Office
Cuba Volunteer Fire Department Station 1
Cuba Volunteer Fire Department Station 2
Cubbs Creek Shoals
Curl Station
Cypress Creek
Cypress Swamp
Daisy Falls Dam
Daisy Falls Lake
Damsite West Bank Public Use Area
Danner Cemetery
Danner Cemetery
Davidson Cemetery
Dawsey Church
Dean Lake
Deans Landing
Demopolis State Wildlife Management Area
Detain Branch
Dial (historical)
Dial Post Office (historical)
Dilliard Creek
Dr. H. B. Ward House (historical)
Dr. James Alvis Beavers House (historical)
Dry Creek
Duck Pond
Dug Hill
Dug Hill Cemetery
Dug Hill Primitive Baptist Church
Dug Hill School (historical)
Dug Hill Volunteer Fire Department
Dulls Cemetery
Durdens Ferry (historical)
Ebenezer Baptist Church
Edmond Branch
Elizabeth Church
Elliott Cemetery
Elmwood Memorial Estates
Emelle Church
Emelle Post Office
Emelle Treatment Facility
Emelle Volunteer Fire Department
Ennis Tartt Dam
Ennis Tartt Pond
Epes Lime Pit
Epes Post Office
Epes Railway Bridge
Epes Tower
Epes Volunteer Fire Department
Eskeridge Pettigrew Cemetery
Ezell School (historical)
F N Grant Dam
F N Grant Dam
F N Grant Lake
Factory Creek
Fair Oaks
Fenache Creek
First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church
First Methodist Church
First Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church
Folsum Branch
Forrest Memorial
Fort Tombecbe (historical)
Fourth Creek
Fourth Creek Methodist Church
Fourth Creek School (historical)
Foust Hall
Friend Church
Friendship Baptist Church
Friendship Baptist Church
Friendship Cemetery
Gainesville Headstart School
Gainesville Historic District
Gainesville Park and Bandstand
Gainesville Post Office
Gainesville Volunteer Fire Department
Galilee Baptist Church
Gardners Bluff
Gaston Valley
Gaston Valley Church
Geiger United Methodist Church
Gibbs Cemetery
Gibbs House (historical)
Gibbs Pond
Gorgas Bridge
Grant Lake
Grant's Chapel Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Greater Mount Olive Primitive Baptist Church
Greens Bar
Greens Landing (historical)
Griffin (historical)
Grindstone Prairie
Grinlin Lake
H and Y Hunting Lodge
Hadden Presbyterian Church
Hales Island (historical)
Hall Creek
Hall Creek
Hall Creek School (historical)
Hannah Branch
Hargrove Cemetery
Harris Cemetery
Hatchet Creek
Haunted Point Bar
Hawkins Cemetery
Hawkins Chapel
Hayes Bar
Hayes Creek
Hayes Ferry (historical)
Henagan Cemetery
Henley Ranch Airport
Hiblers Landing
Hickory Hill (historical)
Hickory Hill Fire Tower (historical)
Hickory Hunting Club
Hicks Cemetery
High Run
Hill Hospital of Sumter County
Hill Ranch Dam
Hill Ranch Pond
Hixon Church
Holetah Creek
Holiness Church
Holiness Tabernacle
Home Mission Cemetery
Homer Fieldhouse
Horns Branch
Horseshoe Lake (historical)
Houpt Cemetery
Houston Cemetery
Houstons Landing (historical)
Howards Lower Bar
Hutchenson Cemetery
Interchange 1
Interchange 17
Interchange 23
Interchange 8
Intercourse School
Ivy (historical)
Jamestown Cemetery
Jems Landing (historical)
Jerusalem Baptist Church
Jim Henderson Dam
Jim Henderson Lake
Johnson Baptist Church
Johnson Cemetery
Jones Bluff
Jones Creek
Jones Creek
Jones Creek Church
Jones Creek School (historical)
Jug Branch
Katherine Allison Dam
Katherine Allison Lake
Kenyon Church
Kinterbish Junior High School
Kinterbish State Wildlife Management Area
Kirkpatricks Shoals
Lacy (historical)
Lacys Ford (historical)
Lake Annie
Lake Carolyn
Lake Hollolla
Lake L U
Lake L U Dam
Lake Louise
Lake Louise Dam
Lamkin Church
Laura Watson House (historical)
Leard Branch
Lee Cemetery
Lewis Cemetery
Liars Lake
Liberty Church
Lillies Chapel Methodist Church
Lillies Chapel School (historical)
Little Fourty Creek
Little Kinterbish Creek
Little Rock Church (historical)
Little Sanusi Creek
Livingston Fire and Rescue
Livingston High School
Livingston Memorial Gardens
Livingston Park
Livingston Police Department
Livingston Post Office
Livingston Recreation Area
Lock Four (historical)
Lock Three Right Bank Public Use Area
Log Landing
Log Landing
Looksookolo Creek
Lost Creek
Lukes Landing
Main-Yankee Street Historic District
Malakoff Landing
Mallard Airport (historical)
Martans Ferry (historical)
Martins Creek
Mary Winston Baptist Church
Marys Chapel Baptist Church
Marys Chapel School (historical)
May Cemetery
Maye Cemetery
McAlpin Bend
McCainville Cemetery
McCainville Creek
McComico Bar
McConnell (historical)
McDowell Ferry (historical)
McDowells Landing
McElroy Cemetery
McGowan Hunting Club
Mcgregor Dam
Mcgregor Lake
McInnis Cemetery
Mill Creek
Mill Creek
Miller Hill Baptist Church
Miller School (historical)
Millville Cemetery
Mitchell School (historical)
Miuka Creek
Mobile Branch
Montevallo Church
Moon Hall
Moore Town
Morning Star Baptist Church
Morning Star Cemetery
Morning Star Church
Morning Star Second Baptist Church
Morning Star Volunteer Fire Department
Moscow Landing (historical)
Mount Calvary Church (historical)
Mount Carmel Church
Mount Gilead Baptist Church
Mount Gilead School (historical)
Mount Harmon Church
Mount Herman Cemetery
Mount Herman Church
Mount Herman Church (historical)
Mount Herman School (historical)
Mount Hermel Church
Mount Nebo Primitive Baptist Church
Mount Olive Church
Mount Olive Church (historical)
Mount Pilgrim Primitive Baptist Church
Mount Pilgrim School (historical)
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church
Mount Pleasant Baptist Church
Mount Pleasant Church
Mount Pleasant Church
Mount Pleasant School (historical)
Mount Powell Baptist Church
Mount Powell School (historical)
Mount Prospect Church
Mount Tabor Baptist Church
Mount Tabor Cemetery
Mount Tabor Church
Mount Tabor School (historical)
Mount Tabor School (historical)
Mount Zion Baptist Church
Mount Zion Baptist Church
Mount Zion Baptist Church
Mount Zion Cemetery
Mount Zion School (historical)
Mud Creek
Mundy Branch
Nebo Cemetery
Nebo Church
Nelson Church (historical)
Nelson School (historical)
Neville School (historical)
New Bethel Baptist Church
New Bethel Cemetery
New Bethel Church
New Big Lake
New Hope Baptist Church
New Hope School (historical)
New Mount Calvary Church
New Port (historical)
New Prospect (historical)
New Prospect Baptist Church
Nichols Fish Farm
North Sumter High School
North Sumter Volunteer Fire Department
Norvelle (historical)
Norwoods Pond
Noxubee Island
Noxubee River
Nubbin Bend
Nubbin Fork (historical)
Oak Grove Baptist Church
Oak Grove Baptist Church
Oak Grove School (historical)
Oakchia Fire Tower (historical)
Oakhurst (historical)
Odd Fellows Cemetery
Old Bluffport
Old Cemetery
Old Mount Olive Cemetery
Old Mount Olive Primitive Baptist Church
Old Side Cemetery
Old Taylor Landing (historical)
Opossum Creek
Oxford Church
P M Norwood Dam
Paces Landing West
Palestine Baptist Church
Palestine Cemetery
Panola Post Office
Panola Volunteer Fire Department
Parker Cemetery
Parker Creek
Payneville School
Persimmon Grove
Phares Cemetery
Phelps Branch
Pierces Landing (historical)
Pine Grove Baptist Church
Pine Grove Baptist Church
Pine Grove Cemetery
Pine Grove School (historical)
Pine School (historical)
Pine Top School (historical)
Pinetop Baptist Church
Pinetop Cemetery
Pleasant Grove Cemetery
Pleasant Grove Church (historical)
Polecat Creek
Ponkabia Creek
Ponta Creek
Post Oak Hunting Lodge
Potts Cemetery
Potts Creek
Potts Creek
Pruitt Hall
Quilby (historical)
Reed Hall
Reeds Chapel Methodist Church
Reeds Hunting Lodge
Rider Branch
Robert Weir Dam
Robert Weir Pond
Rocks Chapel
Rocks Chapel Cemetery
Rogers Creek
Rome Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Rooster Bridge
Rooster Ridge Hunting Lodge
Rowes Ferry (historical)
Roy Cemetery
Rumley Lookout Tower
Ruzic Hunting Club
Saint Albans Church
Saint Johns Baptist Church
Saint Johns Church
Saint Johns School (historical)
Saint Luke Church (historical)
Saint Mark Baptist Church
Saint Marys Church
Saint Matthew Baptist Church
Saint Michael Baptist Church
Saint Michael School (historical)
Saint Peters Church
Salem (historical)
Salem Methodist Church
Salem School
Sambo Creek
Sand Branch
Sandy Creek
Santos Bar
Sanusi Creek
Scratch Hill
Scuma Creek
Second Creek
Seldon Hall
Shady Grove Baptist Church
Shady Grove Church
Shady Grove Church
Shady Grove School (historical)
Shady Grove School (historical)
Shamburger Cemetery
Shearon Cemetery
Shiloh Baptist Church
Shiloh Cemetery
Shiloh Church
Shiloh School (historical)
Shiloh Zion Baptist Church
Shorts Church
Shumulla Creek
Shy Hammock Creek
Sibley Pond
Sicolocco Creek
Silmares Landing (historical)
Siloam Baptist Church
Siloam Volunteer Fire Department
Silver Creek
Simmons Landing (historical)
Sisk Hall
Smiths Bar
Smiths Chapel
Smiths Chapel (historical)
Smiths Landing
Snow Hill School (historical)
Soctum Creek
Soctum Fire Tower (historical)
Soctum Hill
Souls Chapel Cemetery
Souls Chapel Methodist Church
Souls Chapel School (historical)
Southern Sportsman Lodge
Sparkman (historical)
Speith Hall
Spring Creek
Spring Valley Baptist Church
Springhill Church
Stickney Hall
Strawberry Hill Plantation (historical)
Sucarnoochee River
Sumter Academy
Sumter Country Club
Sumter County Area Vocational School
Sumter County Courthouse
Sumter County High School
Sumter County Sheriff's Office
Sumter County Training School
Sumter Farm and Stock Company Dam
Sumter Farm and Stock Company Dam
Sumter Farm and Stock Company Dam
Sumter Farm and Stock Company Dam
Sumter Farm and Stock Company Dam
Sumter Farm and Stock Company Dam
Sumter Farm and Stock Company Dam
Sumter Farm and Stock Company Dam
Sumter Farms and Stock Company Inc Airport
Sumter Fire Tower
Sumter Lake Number Four
Sumter Memorial Gardens
Sumter Pond
Sumter Recreation Area
Sumter Riding Club
Sumter School
Sumter State Park (historical)
Sumterville Baptist Church
Sumterville Church
Sun Light Baptist Church
Sweetwater Creek
Swilleys Bend
Swilleys Landing (historical)
T C Null Dam
T C Null Lake
Tallawyah Creek
Tallyhaly Creek
Tartt Field
Taylor Cemetery
Teoc Creek
The Cutoff
The Cutt Off
The Ravine
The Rocks
Third Creek
Thompson Branch
Thornton Creek
Thornton Hill
Tiger Stadium
Toms Bar
Toms Creek
Toomsuba Creek
Trinity Church
Troy (historical)
Tubbs Bar
Tubbs Creek
Tubby Creek
Turkey Creek
Tutwiler Bridge
Tutwiler Library
Twelvemile Bend
Union Chapel Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
University of West Alabama
Upper Chicken Cock Bar
Walk (historical)
Walker Cemetery
Wall Ferry (historical)
Wallace Hall
Walton Branch
Ward Church
Ward Post Office
Ward Volunteer Fire Department
Watts Cemetery
Webb Hall
West Union Baptist Church
Wheeler Bend
White Hall Creek
White Oak Creek
Whiteheads Landing
Whiterock Creek
Whitfield Church
Whitfield Volunteer Fire Department
Whitsetts Bluff
Whitsetts Ferry (historical)
Wiggins Creek
Wildcat Stadium
Wiley Branch
Williams Lake
Winston (historical)
Woods Cemetery
Woodward Lakes
WSLY-FM (York)
WYLS-AM (York)
Yellow Creek
York - Days Inn
York Cemetery
York Fire Department
York Post Office
York Public School (historical)
York West End Junior High School
Young Hall
Zion Baptist Church
Zion Hill
Zion Hill Baptist Church
Zion Hill Methodist Church
Zion School (historical)
Zion Valley Baptist Church

ближайшие аэропорты

United States - flagCraig Field ~ 116.88 км
United States - flagColumbus Air Force Base ~ 119.27 км
United States - flagHesler Noble Field ~ 137.22 км

Sumter County - карта

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